How To Grow And Care For Aloe Vera At Home



  • 1. Place it in indirect or artificial sunlight. A west or south window is ideal. Aloes that are kept in low light often grow leggy.2. Aloe vera is best suited for temperatures between 13 and 27 ° C (55 and 80 ° F). The temperatures of most houses and apartments are ideal.

    3. From May to September, you can install your plant outside without problem, but bring it in the evening if the night is cold.

    4. Water the aloe vera plants abundantly, but rarely. To discourage rot, allow the soil to dry at least 1 to 2 inches deep between waterings. Do not leave your plant in water.

    5. Water approximately every 3 weeks and even more economically in winter. Use your finger to test drought before watering. If the soil stays wet, the roots of the plants may start to rot.

    6. Fertilize sparingly (no more than once a month), and only in spring and summer with a balanced formula for houseplants mixed at ½ strength.

    7. Mature aloe vera plants often produce compensations – also called seedlings, babies or “babies” – that can be removed to produce an entirely new plant (a clone of the mother plant, technically).

  • 8. Find where the offsets are attached to the parent plant and separate them using pruners, scissors or a sharp knife. Leave at least an inch of stem on the offset.9. Allow the compensations to stay off the ground for several days; This allows the offset to form a callosity on the cut, which helps protect it from rot. Keep the offsets in a warm place with indirect light during this time.

    9. Once the offsets have formed calluses, mix them in a standard succulent potting mix. The soil must be well drained.

    10. Place the newly potted puppies in a sunny location. Wait at least a week to water and keep the soil dry.