How To Make Your Own DIY Clorox Wipes


Living in the midst of a pandemic means that a lot of items we commonly purchase are no longer in stock. For the last four weeks, it’s been nearly impossible to find a store that carries toilet paper, flour (I guess a lot of people are making bread), and cleaning products. Cleaning products are flying off the shelves right now because we know how important it is to keep our homes free of germs, and to hopefully help stop the spread of COVID-19.

source: YouTube/MamaInTheKitchen

If you’re like me and are down to your last few Clorox wipes, don’t panic. It’s extremely simple to make your own disinfecting wipes, and you may even already have the required ingredients at home. YouTuber Mama in the Kitchen released a great video explaining how to make your own wipes. Here’s what you’ll need:

1 roll of paper towels

1 empty disinfecting wipes container (or another empty container with a sealable hole in the top)

3 tablespoons of Clorox

2 cups of water

source: YouTube/MamaInTheKitchen


Step 1: Cut the paper towel roll to the size of the empty container.

Step 2: Put the paper towel roll into the container. Mix together the Clorox and water.

Step 3: Pour the solution over the paper towel roll in the container. Remove the cardboard roll from the center of the paper towel.

Step 4: Feed the first paper towel through the opening in the lid. Now, your DIY wipes should function just as regular Clorox wipes would.

Thanks for sharing this great hack, Mama in the Kitchen. Although these are certainly trying times, it’s important to remember that we are resilient, versatile, and equipped to deal with this situation far better than we may initially think. Take care of yourself, and of one another!