How to prepare bacon cooked to perfection in the microwave?


There’s nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning to the smell of hot coffee and the sound of sizzling bacon. However, weekends (and all mornings!) can be quite busy, and you don’t always have time to cook bacon in a pan on the cooker or bake it in the oven. But that’s exactly where this useful tip comes in!

source: Flickr/Brian Weed

All you need for this tip is bacon, paper towels and a plate. By folding the bacon pieces into small vertical “hearts”, you can cook a whole half pound of bacon in the microwave in one sitting. This method also allows the fat to drip down the sides of the bacon and into the paper towel, so the finished product is much less greasy.

Once you have the bacon positioned, cook it in the microwave for five minutes, then flip it and cook it for another minute and 30 seconds or so. You’ll have perfectly cooked bacon in a fraction of the time as it would take to cook it in the oven or on the stove. To check out this bacon-cooking method in action,