Kitchen Hacks you may never know they existed


Dealing with your knife

  1. How to easily sharpen your knife?

If you’re so busy to look for your sharpener, just use a ceramic cup’s bottom. Slide your knife forward and backward for a minutes or two. You’ll get a well sharped knife again.

  1. Hold your knife in an appropriate way

I hate it so much when my knife is slipping, that’s why I use rubber bands on my knife kilt to avoid such thing!

  1. Stay safe!

Make sure to cover all your knife edges after using! Use a wine’s capsule (the wooden thing that closes a wine bottle)!

Combine Grilled cheese and cheese sticks

Yes, you read everything right. You can stick to a single flavor instead of combining two every time. Make this cheesy mixture and save it for later use. Quicker the better!

How to keep your herbs and greens fresh a little longer?

I’ll give you ladies one of mom’s favorite tricks, she loves wrapping her herbs and greens in a damp paper towel. It helps them remain fresh.

As for me, I prefer putting my greens in a plastic bag and tie it up after filling it with air! Green remain green!

Baking soda hacks 

  • Use baking soda to clean your Microwave.
  • Use baking soda to clean your dishwasher
  • Perfect to remove dirt, add some baking soda to your clothes soap.
  • Scrub your bathroom with baking soda and tooth paste.
  • Also good to clean trash cans with!

That’s all this time ladies, I hope these tips were helpful for you, make sure to keep in touch for more hacks and better kitchen hacks.

“COOK – EAT – CLEAN – REPEAT” – Random