Make homegrown potatoes last longer during winter


5. Dehydrate for Potato Flakes

Dehydrating potatoes into flavor-packed flakes is another long-term preserving option that you can go with. First, wash the potatoes, peel them, and cook them until you can pass a knife through them easily. Once done, let the water it for a moment until it cools down, mash the potatoes in the water, and blend them using a stand mixer until they become silky smooth. Now spoon the potato mash into some dehydrator sheets (the thinner they the faster they dry). Fix the temperature on 140 degrees and let them be for 12 hours, then start checking on them to see if there are any dry pieces. When the potatoes start breaking instead of bending, then they are ready (the process takes 36 hours and sometimes more). When they are dry, put them in a food processor and store them in an airtight container to pulverize them.


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