Here’s why you should stop digging your garden


When it comes to having the best results, we always try to copy and imitate others’ works hoping to get similar results even if the method is questionable. A method that everyone seems to use is digging gardens, thinking that it would provide better yields when harvesting. We are here to tell you otherwise, STOP DIGGING YOUR GARDEN. Without further ado here are 6 reasons why you should stop digging your garden.

1. Soil compaction

Did you know that fertility rose when the soil is tilled? But turning the land multiple times makes it lose vitality, which pushes farmers and small gardeners to overuse chemical fertilizers. The soil fluffing method destroys the intricate structure of the soil and prevents water retention and air to the plants’ roots, and you don’t need me to tell how water is important to plants. The best solution for a non-compacted soil is an undug garden.

2. Fewer weeds

No dig gardens don’t have much bare soil, which prevents the germination of perennial weeds and seeds. This is the results of the mulch layers that cover the entire garden (there will be weeds, but not that many, a neglectable amount).

3. Attract more earthworms

Organic matter is so important to earthworms and soil. An undug garden is much more fertile and stronger than turned soil because the last one lost the ability to sustain more life, which decreases the number of existing worms.

4. Increased water retention

Not digging the garden can increase water retention because the soil will have different components that can help it soak and retain moisture while draining excess water away. This allows you to have fewer watering times (if your garden is in an area with a drought climate, make sure to add mulch to prevent evaporation up to a certain extent).



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