Never Buy Cucumber Again, Grow Them Instead!


5. plant
One advantage of vertical gardening is that you can plant cucumber plants a little closer than the recommended spacing if you use a trellis. Modern Steader helps explain the importance of plant spacing when designing your garden layout. Since trellises don’t compete as hard for resources such as light and soil surface to extend their vines, they can be placed a little closer to normal – but remember that they will always compete for nutrients and water in the soil. You can even put plants on both sides of the trellis!

6. Train the vines
Once the plants have started to grow, they may need a little help to train them to grow the trellis. When the vines are long enough, start wrapping them gently around the trellis supports. If necessary, gently tie the vines to the trellis or use plastic gardening tweezers to avoid damaging the stems of the plant or limiting growth.