Repair tools that anyone can use around the house


Use soap to silence noisy wooden drawers

Wooden furniture is the best. It makes us feel all fancy for owning an antique-looking chest of drawers, even if we picked it up brand new from the nearest furniture outlet store.

Use soap to silence noisy wooden drawers

Here’s the thing, though – after a while, those things start to screech like cats that have been run over. Luckily, there’s a very easy fix for this – the squeaking drawer get the soap! Just rub any old bar of soap, or liquid dish soap, along the guilty drawer’s rails, and it’ll glide into place quiet as a mouse.

Use a blow dryer to easily remove stickers

Buying new things is fun! Whether it’s a new toaster oven or even a new chair, there’s nothing better than sprucing up your home with something new. Sadly, there naturally is an annoying downside to this.

Use a blow dryer to easily remove stickers

Specifically, huge packaging stickers, which are not only an eyesore on your new appliance but are also really hard to peel without them coming apart. Never fear! Next time you encounter one, simply blow-dry it. The Heat will make the glue weaker, and you can take it right off without smudges.

Use vinegar to revitalize showerheads

There’s no stopping Father Time, and he seems to have a particular vendetta against showerheads. That’s the only explanation we can think of, at least, because showerheads’ flow is slowed down to a trickle as years go by due to calcification.

Use vinegar to revitalize showerheads

While reversing time is still impossible – we’re still waiting on Doc Brown’s DeLorean to come get us – you can fix your showerhead. Just fill a plastic bag about halfway with vinegar and tie it securely around it. Let it soak overnight, and by morning water pressure will noticeably improve.

Use baby powder to silence noisy floorboards

Hardwood floors are super classy and really give a high-class vibe to your home, but like Poison sang – “every rose has its thorn.” When it comes to hardwood floors, that thorn is the constant squeaking caused by the pieces of wood rubbing together.

Use baby powder to silence noisy floorboards

To make that go away, fill a small squeeze bottle, like the kind hair dye comes in, with baby powder. Then liberally squeeze the powder between the floorboards, and use a makeup brush to push it way down the cracks. That should do it!

Rub soap on screws to help them go into holes

Do you have a screw that just won’t go into a piece of wood? It seems as though no matter how hard you push, it just won’t start to go in. Trying too hard could mean you slip and end up getting hurt or damaging the wood.

Rub soap on screws to help them go into holes

Merely grab a bar of soap, and all of your worries could be gone at once. Rub the screw onto the soap on all sides. This should act as the perfect softener to make sure the screw glides in with ease.