The 9 Pro Gardening Tips On How To Make Your Hostas Thrive

Shade garden with Begonias and impatients.
Hostas are a beautiful plant for most gardens. They require little maintenance and this large, complete plant is a lush complement. There are more than 2500 varieties of hosta. Gardeners have several options.

In this article, I’m going to give you 9 pro tips for hostas to work in your landscape or garden.

1. Shade matters
Hostas are known to be shade tolerant, but some of them need just a little bit more light. According to Gardening Know How, you should look at the leaves, and see if there are dark leaves or light leaves. Darker leaves need moderate shade and lighter leaves quite well in sunny weather, but make sure they receive at least some shade.
2. Leave the dead foliage alone
When plants die in the winter, you should leave the dead foliage there. You can add some leaves on top to provide some insulation. The foliage will allow you to see where the plants are and avoid accidentally trample the new shoot in the spring.
3. Protect the shoots

Keep deer away from your hostas by planting daffodils around the shoots. Protect the plant from slugs by dusting the sand around the shoots.

4. Use a belt to move the plant
If you have to move your hosta plant, gather the leaves and attach a belt around the stems to prevent them from breaking during transplantation.
5. Revive your plant
If your hosta gets worse, you may be able to save it. Remove the damaged plant from the soil, recover what you can and plant it in a pot of water until the roots are ready to be replanted.6. Divide the plants to make them fuller
It’s a case of what does not kill you makes you stronger. The hostas division can give you more plants. It takes a few weeks to install them if you board them in the summer, but it gives you time to fully prepare for winter and spring.

7. Clean around the plant
When autumn weather sets in, it’s time to clean the flowerbed to prevent rot and other pests. Some gardeners prefer to remove foliage, while others (see Tip # 2 – let it be). In any case, it is a good time to remove anything that could cause rot or disease around the plant.
8. Use mulch
If you live in a hot and dry climate and/or your soil is more sandy, add mulch around your plants to make sure they do not dry too quickly.
9. Be patient
It takes an average of three years for a hosta to settle. If you want a bigger plant faster, do not buy a starter in a nursery. Ask a friend to give you a division of their factory instead.
Beginner gardeners will appreciate the fact that this plant is hardy and can provide plenty of leaves and cover. Try some of these ideas to make sure you get the best plant possible.


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