The advantages of taking a photo of your stove before leaving on a trip


Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always been a worrier. Even though I know I’ve locked the door, turned off the lights and turned off the stove, I still have to check several times. Even afterwards, I sometimes call someone to go and check that I’ve done all that. Does this sound familiar? If you do similar things before you leave home, join the club. And if you’re looking for a little peace of mind, here’s a great tip for you.

source: Wide Open Eats / Shutterstock

When you leave the house – whether it’s just for the weekend or a two-week tropical getaway – take a picture of your stove. That way, you can refer to it when you’re away from home and stressed about the stove being left on. The photo should clearly show the dials on the stove set to “off.” While this may sound silly, this tip is very effective for people like me who have worries.

Practice this same method by taking pictures of your garage door closed, hair straightener unplugged, lights off, and anything else that might be stressing you out when you’re not home. Instead of panicking and calling a friend, family member or neighbor to go check on whatever you think you forgot to do, you can simply refer to your photos.

source: / /preferredwindowanddoor

If you absolutely cannot understand the stress of forgetting something or forgetting to do something, you are one of the lucky ones! It’s certainly no fun being away from home and stressing about something that is no longer under your control. I’ve had a lot of those moments, and they really get in the way of being present and trying to enjoy where I am. So for anyone who is on the same page as me, I hope this simple but effective tip brings you some relief!