This father cuts up wood that costs $10 000 with his sons to give it to families in need of heat


The Facebook post Shaun made circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another in a few days, with people from his community and beyond requesting for free wood to be delivered to them. Not only from the US, but people from all over the globe sent him messages to express their heartfelt appreciations for this great charitable act to humanity, even some  of them wanted to volunteer to help chop wood. The man even received some marriage proposals!

Shaun gave free wood to countless people in their community and the neighboring towns. They tried to find people who truly couldn’t afford to purchase enough wood to keep their homes warm.

This family said that despite  the wood splitting exercise hadn’t been easy on them, it was a great opportunity to connect. Shane and his late father had bonded over wood-splitting, so now, the 21-year-olds have been made a part of the McDaniel’s tradition as well.

“I started out wanting to connect with my father, and at the end, I thought he was yelling at me,” Harrison McDaniel said. “It was so much cutting, so much splitting.” The young lad explained that he didn’t know so many people still burned wood for heat in these modern times. People who could afford the wood would drive over to their innumerable piles and ask for a price.

“We politely told them none of it was for sale, and they’d look at us like we were crazy,” he said.

This family got all kinds of reactions from people when they spent their money and time just to to deliver free wood. Shane explains that a majority of the benefactors would break down in gratitude and not even try to hold their tears back! They receive a lot of bear hugs and thankful kisses, and this is what keeps them going.


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