This Is The Fastest, Easiest Ways To Get Bugs Out Of Your Pool


Swimming pools and backyard ponds can be inundated by certain insects on occasion. Some of these are true aquatic insects that have a lifestyle associated with water while others are nuisance flying insects that are attracted by outdoor lights and accidentally end up in the water.

Mainly, there are two types of water bugs that you will most likely find in the pool. The first type is backswimmers, their name actually tells you everything about them, they swim on their backs and have long legs; This species actually skims the water surface in relatively long strides to devour other insects, and be careful because they will bite you if you grabbed them. The second type is water boatmen, they feed off the nasty things that you want off the pool. They have oar-like back legs and they have an oval and slim in shape.

To get rid of these bugs, you’ll have to get rid of the things that they feed on at first. As we mentioned above, water boatmen feed on gross things like algae, while backswimmers feed on other insects and water boatmen are on the menu. The strategy is simple, get rid of algae to get rid of water boatmen, and get rid of water boatmen to say bye bye to backswimmers.

Follow these 6 simple steps.

1. Skim the pool

These insects are always on the surface of the water, that is why you should use a net skimmer to skim the pool and to get rid of most of them.

2. Brush the pool

The best strategy is to get rid of the food source they have to make sure that they won’t come back again. Simply start scrubbing near the surface of your pool to get rid of algae spores to break the food chain and to drive them out of there.

3. Vacuum the pool

When you’re done scrubbing off debris and algae, everything else around the scrubbed is going to be loose, that is why you should take advantage of the situation and use a vacuum to suck everything up.

4. Shock the pool

A pool Shock like calcium hypochlorite can help you kill all of the unwanted residents after the cleaning process.

5. Balance pool chemistry

When you’re done using the pool shock, wait 24 hours and use the pool chemistry test kit that you have to check if the pH level of your pool, alkalinity levels, and chlorine level are all well balanced.

6. Vacuum the pool again

Once you’re done doing all of the previous steps, you can enjoy your pool, but if you want an extra tip to take an additional precaution, then simply use your vacuum again to suck every remaining bug that survived all of the prementioned steps.

Dealing with the annoying bugs is mandatory, but the best thing to do is to prevent them from accessing your pool. That is why you should maintain your pool to prevent them from gaining access to your pool, simply follow these next instructions.

1. Maintain proper chemistry levels

If you want to prevent algae from growing thus having no water boatmen. When checking your chemistry levels, make sure that they are equivalent to these next measurement

  • Chlorine. 1.0 – 3.0 ppm
  • pH: 7.4 – 7.6
  • Total alkalinity. 80 – 140 ppm

2. Skim the pool daily

Make sure to skim your pool as often as possible to remove any algae spore that could have infiltrated your pool without you noticing it and this way you will prevent them from sticking and blooming near the surface.

3. Use a liquid dish detergent

Mix water with dish soap and pour the solution in a spray bottle to create a DIY insect terminator. This solution can change the surface tension of the water, which makes bugs unable to float. With this in mind, spray the solution on the water bugs and on the spots that they occupy. This way you will kill existing bugs and new coming bugs.

4. Use algaecide

Algaecide can actually get rid of water bugs easily.

5. Cover your pool

This may sound stupid but it is very effective. Make sure to cover your pool whenever it is not used to keep bugs and algae away from it when you’re not around or when you’re simply not using it.

6. Maintain your pool pump

Sometimes, the pump can be the reason why your chemistry levels are not balanced. Make sure to regularly clean the filters and make sure to check out whether or not the pump has any build up or if it does require any mechanical attention.

7. Turn off your pool lights

Insects are attracted to light sources and your pool lights can attract all kinds of insects especially water bugs.

Water bugs can be very annoying to deal with especially if you don’t know how to properly behave with them, but now with these tips in mind, you won’t find any further problems with them.


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