Use these 4 tips to save your baby from choking to death


3) Perform chest thrusts.

If the five blows haven’t done anything, then turn your baby’s face up and lay him or her on your thigh or in your lap, then cradle their head with a single hand to support it. Put two fingers on your baby’s middle breastbone under the nipples and thrust downwards five times compressing the chest between 30 to 50%. Now start alternating between back blows and chest thrusts five strokes at a time until the object is dislodged or your baby loses consciousness.

source: WEBMD

4) Perform CPR

If your baby ceases to breathe, turns blue, or loses consciousness, then you should perform CPR until help arrives (if you didn’t call for help earlier, now’s a perfect time). If you can see the object that is blocking the airways, then use your finger to pull it out carefully. If you can’t see the object don’t proceed with this method because you’ll only risk pushing the object further down the baby’s throat. In this case, start performing CPR to buy some time until help arrives.



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