You can a lot about your health just from the color of your urine


If your urine has a green tint and a funky sulphuric smell, then it can mean urinary tract infection or kidney stones. If you have eaten asparagus, then the green tint and the bad sulphuric smell are to be expected. If your is colored cloudy white, then it is a sign of urinary tract infection and you should seek immediate medical attention.

On top of the urine’s color, the smell is also important. Urine should not have a strong smell. A smell like ammonia means that you need to drink more water because you are dehydrated. If the smell is strong, then it can mean that you have a bladder infection, diabetes, metabolic disease, or urinary tract infection (if the smell is persistent, then you should see a doctor).

You should also pay close attention to the consistency of your urine, if it is thicker than usual, then you may have an unrevealed infection or disease, whereas cloudy urine can mean that you have kidney stones. Foamy urine means that you have an issue with your kidneys and protein buildup.