10 Great Ways To Use Safety Pins Around The House


6. DIY Bracelet

Using some safety pins and elastics, you can make your own unique bracelet. If you want a full tutorial on how to make it, click here.

7. Fishing Hook

If you don’t have enough fishing material, you can use a safety pin to replace an important part of your fishing hook.

8. First Aid Tool

Keep a few safety pins in your first aid kit. They are really effective in keeping bandages together and many more uses.

9. DIY Keychain

If you lost your keychain or don’t have one with you, don’t worry! You can use a safety pin as a DIY alternative.

10. No More Static

If you want to avoid static, use a safety pin to your shirt or pants to keep it between your skin and the fabric. The safety pin will help to ward off static in the cold and dry months.


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