10+ surprising conditioner uses you have to know about


6. Remove stuck ring 

If you have a stuck ring, then apply some conditioner to your finger and the ring, and just like that, it will slide right off.

7. Defrizz hair

If you have flyaway hair and frizz that you want to deal with, then dab some conditioner between your fingers and rub them into your hair ends.

8. Hair detangler

You can make a homemade spray detangler by mixing nine parts water with one part conditioner in a spray bottle.

9. “Dry clean” silk clothes and wash delicates 

Conditioner can be an effective silk cleaner. All you have to do is add a tablespoon of a conditioner to a sink filled with warm water if the silk is white or cold water if the silk is colored. Let the silky clothes soak for a couple of minutes before rinsing and hanging them to dry (add a drop of gentle soap for lingeries).

10. Salvage a shrunken sweater

Conditioner can help you unshrunk your sweater. All you have to do is soak the shrunken sweater for a full hour in warm water with conditioner, then ring it out and gently stretch it back into shape while lying flat to dry.

11. Soften fabrics

If you don’t have a fabric softener, then make your own by spraying diluted conditioner on a washcloth and putting it in your dryer as you do with normal sheets.

12. Protect leather shoes from snow and salt 

You can protect leather shoes from snow and salt using a conditioner. All you have to do is lather the leather boots and shoes with the conditioner.

13. Soften makeup and paint brushes

Conditioner can actually soften up paint and makeup brushes easily.

14. Prevent tools from rusting

Rub your tools with hair conditioner to prevent them from getting rusted.

15. Unclog drains 

Conditioner can help you unclog your clogged drain. Send some of it down the drain, then run hot water after it to clear the clog.

16. Shine stainless steel 

To make your stainless steel appliances shine, make sure to smear some conditioner on them and use a cloth to buff things off.