Fill your boots.

Why hide the pool noodles until summer when you can lift those sagging boots this winter? If you don’t have a pool noodle, roll up an old magazine, secure it with a rubber band, and place it in your boots so they stand up straight.
Back East.

You don’t have to be a feng shui expert to incorporate Eastern wisdom into your parking ritual. Parking facing east will give you more sunlight, prevent snow and ice from building up, and ensure you come home warmer.
Open your curtains.

Keeping curtains closed in the winter can lead to a loss of light and warmth, making people more susceptible to “cabin fever”. In busy living areas, open curtains during the day to allow natural light, warmth and the sun’s energy to combat the cold and doldrums of the season.
Catch it.

The ice lurking quietly on sidewalks and driveways can pose an invisible threat to your safety and that of your family. As long as you have salt and hot water, you can melt the ice and ease the anxiety of winter. Apply salt to the ice, then pour hot water over it. The hot water will melt the ice and the salt will prevent the water from refreezing.
Citrus Flame.

The secret behind this aromatic DIY wood-burning stove is simple and appealing. Peel and dry an orange and use it instead of newspaper to build a fire and chimney sweep all at once.
Good news.

If you’re short on firewood, you can make logs that look like firewood by stacking a few sheets of newspaper and rolling them up, as you did in this tutorial. If you secure it with tape and rebar, it will burn for seven hours or more.
Melt the pot.

Place a terracotta pot on a tile base for an efficient and economical space heater. Light a few small candles on top of heat-resistant tiles to bring old-fashioned warmth and tradition into your modern home.