8 apple cider vinegar uses you should know about


Apple cider vinegar is a very famous product that is used by multiple people for casual reasons, but it actually has many uses that not everyone knows about and they are quite surprising, to be honest. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough scientific researches that can back these uses out. Anyways, here are 8 apple cider vinegar uses you should know about.

1. Detoxing digestive track.

This use has been claimed to be working many times and everyone that used it testified that it is quite a successful method. People claimed that apple cider can draw toxins out of digestive tracks, which means helping the kidneys and liver. Mix apple cider vinegar with raw honey, hot water, cinnamon, and lemon juice, then drink the blend while it’s still hot.

2. Soothing sore throat.

Apple cider vinegar is an antibacterial agent that can help you fight your sore throat. Make a syrup by mixing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with three teaspoons of clover and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, then gargle the blend to clear your sore throat.

3. Weight loss. 

People claim that you can burn calories faster by stimulating metabolism by drinking apple cider vinegar before a high-carb diet (there are no scientific studies backing this claim up). Eating fewer calories can really help you lose weight because decreasing calories means an easier path towards weight loss.

4. Control type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes, then you can balance blood sugar and possibly improve insulin response and sensitivity by adding apple cider vinegar to salads (taking a teaspoon before a meal is helpful as well).

5. Soothing a sunburn.

Apple cider vinegar can help you restore the natural pH level of the body. You can apply diluted apple cider vinegar directly onto the sunburn to treat it. However, some doctors like Dr. O’Brien say that this method is not true and should not be used at all.

6. Dandruff control.

Mix water with 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, then pour the solution in a spray bottle and spray it directly on your head right after shampoo to control dandruff. This is another claim that is not backed up by any scientific research.

7. Tooth whitener.

If you want to have a nice smile and white teeth, then rub apple cider vinegar on your teeth using your finger for a whole minute before rinsing. You should know that apple cider vinegar can eat through the enamel of the teeth, even though this method works you should proceed with caution.

8. Balance digestive track.

You can balance your digestive tract by drinking a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. This method is not backed up by any science, but people claim that it can balance your stomach and provide you with the necessary probiotics.


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