Amazing bar soap uses you never knew before


7. Relieve the itch of bug bites

Sometimes when you get bitten by an insect, the generated feeling can be very uncomfortable (when its night time, the feeling is worse). To solve this problem, take a bar of soap, dampen it, then rub it all over the bite to relieve the uncomfortable itchy feeling.

8. Remove stubborn stains from clothing

Stubborn stains are hard to get rid of, but a bar of soap can come into the rescue. Start by rinsing the stained clothing using cool water, then take the soap bar and rub the clothing, rinse again and repeat the process if necessary. This method can clear dirt and grass stains as well.

9. Get rid of fleas in your home

Soap water has many uses around the house, but the most noticeable one is being a flea terminator. First, put a slice of soap in a bowl full of water, then put it under the light. You can use more than a single bowl to cover as much space as you can because this method attracts fleas to the water and they drown afterward.

10. Make sewing easier

Some fabrics are very hard to deal with and needles won’t penetrate them easily. To solve this problem, stick the needle in some soap, then use to sew normally.

11. Fix a zipper

Stuck zippers are very frustrating, but if you slide a bar of soap up and down the zipper, the problem will be fixed.

12. Use it to mark hems

Most people use marking chalk to mark the line for a hem to sew clothes, but the chalk can be hard to wash off. The best alternative is the use of a soap bar to draw the line for the hem because it washes out easily.

13. Loosen a ring that’s too tight

Rings can hold a very special place in our hearts especially if they were offered to us as a gift from a loved one, but sometimes they are too tight and once they’re in, it’s hard to get them out. If you have a ring that’s too tight, rub a bar of soap over your finger, then wash it off and the ring will slide right off.


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