Banana Pudding Cake


In a whirlwind of spitting, late feeding, and more TV than I’ve ever seen in my life, Lucy James turned two months old last Saturday. If you follow me on the show, you know these monthly steps are a breeze. Not for her, of course. Although I hope when she finishes her breast milk, she’ll taste it and bake it with me.

This series is more of a challenge for me to explore new techniques, recipes, and flavors and to have fun in the kitchen. It’s basically an excuse for mom to play with her food a little bit 😉 And this series allows me to interact with other baking moms who are looking for new inspiration and clean versions of their childhood favorites.

This cake is made up of a few simple elements (all the basic recipes that are worth mastering in the world of baking if you haven’t already done so) that combine to form a pretty little cake without a ton of sugar and with a fairly basic taste profile that should appeal to little taste buds. Spread with a simple syrup, the cake is super sweet and moist, like traditional banana pudding, and ideal for crushing cakes, etc.

All you will need is a banana and a few easy to prepare ingredients, which I recommend you prepare a day in advance:


  • For the waffles and cake, make half a slice of McCabe’s homemade “Lady Finger”
    Pour 2/3 cup of dough into two round cake molds 4″ made with butter and flour.
  • Pour the rest of the dough into a rounded pastry bag 1/2″.
  • Place half-dollar balls on a parchment or silphium lined baking sheet.
  • Using a fine-mesh strainer, sprinkle icing sugar only on the waffles, not on the cake batter.
  • Bake the cakes in a 400-degree oven for about 15 minutes until freshly baked and the waffles for about 8-10 minutes until lightly browned; after they have cooled, store the waffles and cakes overnight in cardboard boxes or an airtight container.
  • Make my basic recipe for vanilla pudding; keep it covered in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Make half my recipe for cream cheese frosting. You can find this recipe here but leave the chocolate capsules. Prepare the frosting in a piping bag with a star-shaped tip.
  • Prepare a plain vanilla syrup by mixing 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of vanilla; stir until the mixture dissolves and, after cooling, store overnight in an airtight container in the refrigerator.