Graham Cracker Crust

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl combine graham cracker crumbs and 1/4 cup sugar, mix until well combined.
  3. Drizzle in melted butter and mix well.
  4. Press graham cracker mixture evenly into the bottom of a 9 inch pie plate.
  5. Bake for 7 minutes or until light brown, cool completely.

Frozen Peach Cheesecake

  1. Whip heavy whipping cream until light and fluffy, but not stiff. Set aside.
  2. Beat cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla, until smooth, and creamy.
  3. Puree 1 1/2 cups Peaches in a blender or food processor. Stir into beaten cream cheese, until well combined.
  4. Fold in whipped cream, and remaining 1 cup Diced Peaches.
  5. Pour Peach Cheesecake mixture into baked Graham Cracker Crust. Cover and freeze, until frozen.
  6. When cutting run knife under hot water and dry to make slicing easier. Also allow cheesecake to sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes before slicing.
  7. Serve with additional Sweetened Whip Cream and Sliced Peaches.