Getting Rid Of Holiday Bloat Is Now Possible By Doing This


Source : Pinterest

If you’re anything like me, you probably love winter. However, it’s that particular time of year that really makes our immune system go through a lot. A lot of things can cause this, maybe the stress of the holidays, or the lack of Vitamin D, the cold etc…but despite that, it has also the ability to make us get cold or flu-like symptoms. That’s why you need to try making a lemonade, in this article, we’ll show you how to make a great detox lemonade that has the ability to make your immune system better.

The combination of ingredients that go into the lemonade is what makes the detox lemonade work so well. Not only does it boost the immune system using the Vitamin C in the lemons, but this magical mixture does also contain cayenne pepper and honey. 

Cayenne pepper and honey have a powerful and great ability to cut down on inflammation and also helping you to digest properly. It also includes cloves and the ginger that contain antioxidants and packed with many healthy elements. 


-1 lemon

-1 tsp honey

-pinch of cayenne pepper

-pinch of ground ginger

-1 cup of hot water

-slice of lemon

First, start by cutting a lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it into a mug of your choice. Though you’ll only need one lemon, you can also add more lemon juice for the right amount of bite.

Next, pour in a teaspoon of honey (though again, nobody will know if you add a little bit more to get the balance of sweet and sour just right). After that, add your pinch of cayenne and your pinch of ground cloves and stir the entire mixture together.

Then, garnish the drink after adding one cup of hot water with a slice of lemon. Enjoy your tea after letting it cool to an appropriate temperature.


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