How To Clean Yellowed Pillowcases, The Easy Way.


Around six months ago, I made a decision that transformed the look and feel of our home – I switched from khaki sheets to crisp white ones. The reason was simple: white sheets have a magical way of brightening up any room. However, this choice came with a minor annoyance – the need for regular washing. I committed to a weekly sheet-washing schedule every Wednesday, and I’ve stuck to it diligently.

Despite my weekly laundering ritual, there was a persistent issue with the pillowcases. They stubbornly clung to a grimy, yellowish hue, particularly my husband’s pillowcase. No matter how I washed it or how many times, that yellow tint just wouldn’t budge.

My quest for a solution led me to scour cleaning blogs, and after some dedicated research, I stumbled upon an incredible method to restore the pillowcases to their pristine white glory. So, if you’re grappling with oily, smudged pillows like I was, read on to learn the secret to effective pillowcase cleaning.

I once came across a tip suggesting the use of shampoo to tackle those pesky yellow stains on pillowcases. The theory behind it was that these stains primarily consist of hair oil, which accumulates over time. Both my husband and I shower in the morning, so our hair tends to get oilier as the day progresses.

I decided to give this method a shot, opting for the budget-friendly Suave Daily Clarifying shampoo, the same one we use for our hair. It’s a cost-effective choice, especially when you need to use a generous amount to tackle pillow stains.

To begin, I poured a substantial amount of shampoo directly onto the pillowcase, then used an old toothbrush to concentrate on the stained areas.

After allowing the shampoo to sit on the pillowcase for about 10 minutes, I proceeded to wash it in a warm water cycle, ensuring that the shampoo remained in the fabric. To my amazement, the results were nothing short of remarkable, and I couldn’t believe my eyes!

If you’re aiming to completely eliminate those stubborn yellow stains, I recommend using around two tablespoons of Suave shampoo and vigorously scrubbing the affected areas with a brush to ensure the shampoo penetrates deeply.

After letting it sit for roughly 10 minutes, wash the pillowcase in very hot water for the best results in terms of texture and cleanliness. Then, simply dry the pillowcase as you normally would. Prepare to be astounded by the transformation.

From my experience, you don’t need to clean your pillowcases this way every week. I’ve found that a monthly deep cleaning session, in addition to your regular weekly wash routine, is sufficient to keep those unsightly yellow stains at bay.

So, if you’re fed up with dingy, oily pillowcases, follow these straightforward tips on how to effectively clean yellowed pillowcases, and watch them return to their pristine, snow-white state! Your bedroom’s aesthetic and your peace of mind will thank you.

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