How to Treat Acne With Banana Peels


Bananas are commonly eaten as a healthy snack. But do you know that the yellow peel of the banana has many skincare benefits?

Before throwing the banana peel into the trash bin, you should know what it does to your skin.

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Remove the peel of the banana, pull one strip of the banana peel, cut it into 2 to 3 pieces, rob the soft inside layer of the banana peel back and forth on your face

Apply banana peel on your skin on a daily basis to reduce the appearance of your scar.

You can also make a face mask using the banana peels.

To prepare the mask:

Cut each strips of the peel into 2 to 3 pieces , put them in a blender jar, add 1 or 2 banana pieces , 1 teaspoon of rice flour and 1 teaspoon of curd, Blend all these ingredients into fine smooth paste, use a fresh banana peel for best results.

The peel should be used immediately and never store it in the refrigerator.Now gently apply the mask on your face using a brush and leave it to 10 to 15 minutes.After that, wash off with cool water, you will be left with an amazing soft skin.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "banana peel"

Banana peels are full of antioxidants which may help the skin against sun damage.They also contain fatty acids which can be used to treat eczema and psoriasis. They cure acne and pimples ,help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by and tone the skin. That’s because they keep your skin hydrated, and also help in teeth whitening and  remove warts.


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