Scientists test the most effective solutions for removing pesticides from products – baking soda was the winner


We all know that we should wash our fruits and vegetables before eating them. Since the majority of produce sold in grocery stores is grown with pesticides, you obviously don’t want to introduce these harmful chemicals into your body. And you should know that plain water is not enough to remove pesticides from produce.

source: Oregon Live / The Oregonian

A study conducted by the University of Massachusetts examined three main solutions for washing fruits and vegetables: pure water, a bleach solution containing chlorine, and a solution made of water and baking soda. The study researchers used gala apples coated with thiabendazole, a common pesticide. The apples were then washed in one of each solution.

The winner? The baking soda solution. This solution has proven to have the ability to break down pesticides faster than the other two solutions. To make your own (all-natural) laundry product, mix one tablespoon of baking soda and 1.5 liters of water. You should then soak your products in the solution for 8-12 minutes before rinsing with water.

source: wikiHow

Buying organic produce is a great way to combat the risk of ingesting pesticides. However, even organic produce can sometimes come in contact with pesticides, so it’s wise to practice the baking soda soaking method on all of your produce. Organic produce tends to be significantly more expensive, so buying non-organic produce is simply more financially realistic for many people.