10 frugal uses of dawn dish soap you never knew about


7. Glasses Defogger

To defog your glasses, spill a drop of Dawn on each lense and start rubbing it before wiping them clean. You will notice that the leftover film is very hard to notice and that is essential when it comes to keeping your glasses defogged. Make sure to use a microfiber cloth when wiping down your glasses to avoid scratching the glasses.

8. Hair Product Remover

The hair products we use tend to build-up in our hair and they become hard to wash off. To ease the build-up, use Daw to wash your hair as you normally do with your regular shampoo, that way the build-up will be removed from the hair (don’t worry it is safe to use).

9. Ant Killer

Dawn dish soap can be used to terminate ants. Add two teaspoons of Dawn to a spray bottle full of water, then start shaking it to mix everything up. Once done, spray the solution on the ants. You can also sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth in areas where ants hang out the most (it’s a safe product and it won’t harm your kids and pets).

10. Homemade Window Cleaner

You can use Dawn dish soap as a window cleaner. All you have to do is mix a drop of Dawn dish soap with a quart of water, then pour the solution in a spray bottle, and use it the same way you use a normal window cleaner.


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