These Gingerbread Oreos Look Just Like Christmas Cookies


Festive shapes and a festive taste team up to celebrate the holiday season.

At this stage, it seems that the Oreo is just a blank canvas on which other flavors can be superimposed. While the original still stands out on its own, Oreo’s verifiable explosion of additional options has broadened the definition of cookie over time, with its cookie and cream format being the only unique feature all Oreos can be said to have in common.

For example, the vacation season will mark the return of the Gingerbread Oreos,

Yes, my friends, it seems that you can already find some packages of Gingerbread Oreos in specific places in Walgreens (at least in Staten Island). With its “5 festive patterns”, gingerbread flavored cookie and cream impregnated with sugar crystals, this variant of the Oreo is suitable for the festive season, both in form and function.

Of course, those who are obsessed with the Oreo can remember that this is not the first time the best Nabisco cookie has been made with gingerbread. But last time, it seems the emphasis was on gingerbread cream instead of gingerbread cookie. From everything I know about gingerbread cookies (an experience that consists almost exclusively of eating them), I would say that choosing a cookie that replicates the flavor makes a little more sense, and certainly makes a lot more sense than a ginger ale.